On-site 3D Photo Solution
What can we provide for this solution?
Cool3Dmate® CM500 3D photographic slider
Nuken® Rapid 3D Software
Nuken® Direct Ink
Nuken® Direct Lenticular sheet
Backing Spray
Photo Frames
All Technical training Marketing suggestions
What can you do with this solution?
With this solution, you can be the first provider of making 3D photos on-site. It makes it become very easy and fast to make 3D photos on-site, especially suitable for in tourist attractions, street shops, malls, etc.
This must will be the ONLY way out for those photographers in tourist attractions in the future.
How to become sole agency for this solution?
You are welcome to become our sole agency for this solution. For more information. Please contact witch us: sales3d@nuken3d.cn